
Homecoming ‘24🏈❤️

Homecoming post dinner shoot around! these senior boys had a blast at our house Seniors ‘25 Came in on jet skis! Love my boys💕so handsome  parade time! Micah was in it! Homecoming game- Caleb’s Sophmore season Homecoming ‘24❤️ great memories!  

October already!

Fall is here!! The cooler mornings, but beautiful afternoons still with warm sunshine. I love this list!  7on7 on Tuesdays and Thursday nights in September. A real highlight for Jake each week! Fall birthdays🥳 fun to see family and celebrate together! Trail run on the ice age trail was beautiful!   

Fall kickoff!

  Football. Trail Running. Biking dates.  Fall is off to a super start!!! Senior year for Micah! Football season for Caleb- sophomore year! Willow River w Steph! Flag football for Jake! Sophomore Season for bubba! Friday evenings have become my favorite💞 Thankful for family time🍂 busy days🍂 patio evenings🍂 football season🍂 beautiful runs🍂

City of lakes half!

COL24 was so incredible!!!! I felt super fast. strong. and it really felt like it lasted the entire race! My mind stayed sharp, heart rate high but manageable. I ran a very consistent ave of 6:16per mile pace. I’d say there’s still room to improve and grow. And I’m excited to keep working with my coach to make that happen. I do love learning and growing in this sport! Always ways to improve!! but for right now I want to celebrate this PR!🌟 1:22:09 So grateful for a healthy body to help make these PRs happen this year. Also, in having a strong mind. That comes from daily reading my bible and taking time each day to keep my priorities in check. Knowing how to set healthy boundaries is really important.❤️ It was such a great race day!!! Next Up… Javelina Jundred😎 October 26th “Be consistently good, instead of occasionally great.”- my fave quote! Jeff Cunningham Go.One.More. - Nick Bare  

24-25 School year begins!📚

 The rest of us have been settling into home life without Drew. Some days it seems pretty strange not to have dirty dishes in the sink, or chats with him at night. Overall though, we are managing well. Hard to believe we have another senior in high school already…. and so to process all the change going on…. I have found so much Joy in my early morning runs and trail runs. The weather has been gorgeous and the views so pretty!  Kyle and I enjoy taking these two nuts to the park! Oh and Caleb and Jake too hahaha view from Hoffman hills- awwww the best! Drew posted this on their first hike in the mountains! Nice work you guys!! Great vert! Micah is our senior this year and enjoying the football games! missing the silliness already since school has started… First week of school for them! Micah- senior, Caleb- sophmore, Jake- 7th grade 📚 2024-2025 School year begins😎📚☕️


MOVE IN!!! It was the coolest seeing the college kids unload Drew’s car in like 5minutes! Total invade!! getting unpacked in his room! Roomate Lars, such a great guy!  a few fun campus pics as a fam😁 One of the classrooms Drew will be in this fall. Full crew💞 praying for these two! huge adjustment but so happy they have each other. a nice pic of the dorm room before I leave… pretty excited for Drew and thankful to be his mom! So gonna miss you but WOW the best spot to go to college!  Pretty excited for you Drew+excited to come see you and run some new trails soon! your new adventure begins Andrew Marvin⛰❤️