Happy 8th Birthday Micah!

We had so much fun celebrating Micah's 8th birthday with 2 Awesome Sledding Parties!!! Love my birthday boy to pieces!!!! So excited to celebrate You today Micah!!! We started out his party day by celebrating with 8 of Micah's friends! His friend Isaac had this cool snowboard that Micah gave a try! Ainsley and Zack having fun with Micah! Micah loved trying out lots of tricks on the sledding hill! Grant is one special friend to Micah! Enjoying His Day! Great group of boys! Micah's always bringing the fun to a whole new level. He jumped right into Drew and Charlie's sled! Micah, we love you so much! Love this brother shot of Caleb and Micah taking in the whole thing... Chillin' on the hill! The whole group. So glad Micah has such a great group of friends who know how to have FUN! Pizza Time! These guys ate 3 pizzas with NO problem!:) Pink cheeks from sledding but enjoying every minute hanging out...