Spring Break in Chicago!

Spring Break 2015! Chicago Adventures~ Boys did great in the car! Went to Giordano's Pizza our first night. So yummy! Fun celebrating Kyle's birthday and eating his favorite pizza! Love celebrating him. The boys slept great and we had a nice breakfast before taking off on our full day in downtown Chicago!! Bubba and Mom on the train! The boys thought this was really FUN! Had to hop on this bull! Millenium Park was really fun to walk around and we thought this Bean was Super Cool! Hanging out by the Chicago River. Chillin' together Downtown. Just the Bros! Micah and Drew thought this was Sweet. Boys discovered this Jack Pot Candy Store where this Amazing lady let the boys try all sorts of candy for FREE!! Their favorites were these sour candy sticks! Walking Downtown and checkin' it Out! Heck Yeah, found the Under Armour Kingdom of the world!:) The boys thought they we...