
Showing posts from February, 2018

Basketball Season

Home Tournament- Our family has had some fun playing and cheering for some great basketball! Drew and Micah are having a great season playing basketball on their teams this year! We were all so excited for our home tournament when the guys both played on court 1 all day switching off playing every other game. Pretty rare that we were even in the same location! Fun day.  Playing on home court was so cool and the boys had a great day. Drew's team took 1st place winning all 3 games!! Micah's team did the same, winning all 3 games!! Double 1st place wins for the guys!!! How much greater does it get?! Fun day for all the boys and teams and our family who cheered loud ALL day!! Lots of smiles from our 6th grade boys!! Feeling proud 5th grade boys!! Awesome coaches who love and care for these boys! Off to a great start 5th graders. team huddle before heading home. The boys wanted their pic taken in the middle of the Menomonie home court.  1st ...

In It Together💛

Kyle and I are so lovin’ our date nights w our church family lately. Matt and Susie have come alongside Cedarbrook to help enrich marriages by creating fun and simple date nights in super awesome locations around Menomonie. Each event holds a fun topic and discussion time and leaves you feeling refreshed as a couple and excited to implement some new ideas!!  We had so much fun at the Barrel Room together. I just love this man so much!! 💓 Always In this marriage together- January was not an easy month for us as a couple due to life circumstances that have really left us feeling pretty down on life. We know in looking back on God’s story for us He has always provided and has always been faithful. We are so thankful we get to share our life story together with those around us. 💕

Art pics! 🎨 

January 2018- Jacob 6years old kindergarten Fall 2017- Micah 10 years old 5th grade Fall 2017- Micah 10 years old 5th grade Fall 2017- Caleb 8 years old 3rd grade So proud of our little artists!! Loved these pics of the boys. 🎨 Hope everyone is enjoying the bright and beautiful sunshine today!!☀️