
Showing posts from September, 2022

Menomonie vs. Chippewa Falls! Won 20-14!! 📣

  Great WIN for the Mustangs!!  BEST game yet for Us! #62 my favorite sideline guy during the varsity games! #89+#30 Best friends. Some great photos of the game plays. The best view on a Friday night! Post game hand shake. Post game pics of our all-star!! O-line boyz Handsome Sophmores Handsome Juniors Best friends.  Photo of Drew in a post game article. Seriously this season is flying by all too quickly. We will be looking at college’s soon! Soaking it all in.

Back to School!

  Sunrise and Prayer Time  before our day began. Lord, please protect my children this school year. Wrap your shield around them as they enter back into the schools and are absorbed into the world more again. Keep their eyes and ears protected from hearing or knowing all that is going on around them and help them to stay focused on you and your ways. May they be leaders in their schools and stand up for their faith. And help us at home to raise them up to speak out what they believe. ❤️ Jake 5th grade!  Caleb 8th grade!❤️ Drew- Junior, Micah- Sophmore❤️ Here we go!

Camping along the North Shore🏕

  Tettegouche State Park  camping for two nights!! It was just what we needed. The weather was perfect! We headed up on Wednesday with the younger two boys, so we had a few days to hike and hang out before the football Superior game to see Drew and Micah play. We nailed it!    Breathtaking views. A time to be still and have life be quiet felt so nice. After dinner card games! Our fave! So many incredible hikes. Grand Marais lighthouse  walk for the 1st time for Jakey! Shovel Point a beautiful view on my morning run. I love seeing wild flowers on my run! Coolest tree roots with the coolest kid! Walked out to Shovel Point with the boys for an evening view too. Canal Park  for a night! Felt great to sleep in a hotel for a night after the game. We enjoyed cold stone ice cream to celebrate a great win! Superior football game!   WIN 41-7!!! And so many smiles post game!! Glad we could get a family photo too before heading home.  Such a wonderful week ex...

Micah’s VF day+Trollhaugen w Tammi!

  Valleyfair day!  Micah had so much fun going with his buddies at VF! They had such a great day together, a bit expensive for them all, but they got the cash! lol I’m so glad Micah has such great friends who like to do fun things! Sophmore Memories! Trollhaugen Adventure Park with Tammi! Such a highlight to my summer, we had so much fun. Thankful for her friendship and her thoughtfulness in taking me for a full day somewhere adventurous! She knows me well. Time with friends is so important to Us! They make us better versions of ourselves, help us laugh, and learn new things! We are thankful for our time with friends this summer!