
Showing posts from June, 2024

Webb Lake😎2024

 A great start to our summer having all 4 boys at the lake! Hard to believe Drew is 18, Micah, 17, Caleb 15 and Jake 12 already! The years are flying, but our time at the lake becomes more precious every year. surfing is a favorite! Drew really soaked in his boat time this week, enjoying wakeboarding the best! Drew❤️ Happy 15th birthday Caleb, your golden birthday this year too🌟 Micah❤️ Enjoyed surfing best! The weather was perfect, I enjoyed every afternoon on the beach or in the water. Family time💕best way to start our summer!

Kindergarten➡️Last day of High School! #1

  That’s a Wrap! Crazy how fast time flies… Last day of school 💛

Grad party for Drew! ❤️

  Drew’s graduation party  was on a beautiful day! We had so much fun celebrating this awesome guy! So proud to be his momma❤️ The guys  Drew grew up with! Family  so thankful for our family that took the time to come celebrate! Our sweet girls💛 Maddie’s parents and friends! So many people came to love on Drew, blessed ❤️ Graduation day love these two! Nice work Andrew! We love you so much. Senior lock in was really fun, nice to hang with the seniors and parents for a final night together. Sumo Wrestling The lock in team Drew was with!  Incredible weekend with those we love the most. Incredible help from our parents, Lynn and Wes to make it all a wonderful weekend.  Incredibly blessed. ❤️

State Tennis!!!🎾

Micah and team  head to the Individual State Tournament in Madison! Such a fun weekend for them!! Incredible competition and such an honor to compete against the best. State varsity guys Happy that grandma and grandpa could make it! Our crew that went to cheer! and GG too!!  It was a beautiful day in Madison so I had to soak in a lil bit of the gorgeous running weather too while in Madison! So proud of Micah, and such a huge accomplishment to play at the state tournament!😎