Thanksgiving week!🧡

Turkey Trot went great! Fastest Turkey T yet!!🧡 Thankful to have my coach pace me and help me feel out a tougher pace then normal- it was really chilly but went well lots of fun Table is set and lunch was super 😋 Games lots of cards, scrabble, sorry and blokus this weekend!!! Reading the Thankful cards with Clara! My big guys so much quality time together!! Tree day was freeeezing but happy to get a family pic! Mom and Dad make our Thanksgiving week so much fun Drew making homemade bread bc I was tired of being in the kitchen🤣I definitely don’t love cooking Tree decorating in my new pjs!! I danced around the whole house in these cuties! Thank you to my parents for getting me bday pjs!!🎉I will rock out my dance moves in them every single night now! Our tree looks supa! 🧡Thanksgiving week was so needed. Awesome seeing Drew and nice to catch up on Rest. Relaxing. Running. Reading. Ridiculous Noises. Rad family hangout time!