Happy 1st Birthday Micah!

Today Micah turned 1 years old! We can hardly believe how fast this year has gone! Micah is such a precious little creation of God. We are so thankful for his humor and continuous energy he provides to our home. A year ago today I experienced one of the most tragic moments in my life. I remember my water breaking at 1:00AM Sunday night and thinking "Oh no! My baby is coming and we have to go 100 miles to the closest hospital!" Normally it wouldn't have been so dramatic because we have a hospital 1 mile away from our home. However, the surgeon was out of town and we needed to be secured by a surgeon in case a c-section would need to take place. So, we called our dearest friend Lynn to come to our home to take care of Andrew so we could take off to Virginia, MN. My great and mighty husband Kyle drove the fastest he claims ever and got us 100 miles in roughly an hour or a little more. Thankfully I was still doing ok and we did not have baby Micah in the car (our greatest fea...