The May BLITZ!

This month of ministry has been really busy for both Anna and I.  We had the excitement of planning for our summer calendar, hiring a new youth ministry summer intern and getting him in place and ready, our normal weekly programs, as well as three huge outreach events.  The first event was an open gym which many of you know to be our huge monthly outreach to our community where i even get a chance to preach the Gospel for about 5-10 min in the middle.  This month however we brought in a few local band to see if that would attracted new kids with different interests to the event, boy did it.  We had our normal kids with an additional 50 new kids that we had never seen come through our doors before.  We followed that the following Friday with our yearly All Night Blitz.  This was great, we had about 200 kids out to spend the night with us, we rented the Inflatable games from the cities(and thanks to my dad) were able to get a forth game for free at the last minute, we rented the bowling ally and movie theater as well.  The great part though was another chance to share Gods message of Love with many unbelieving students in our community.  I then left the following monday for a week of meetings to plan for the coming CHIC 2009, National Covenant Youth Gathering in Tennessee next summer, the final thing is coming this week.  We have our summer kick off.  Please pray for good weather as we are do "The Extreme Monster Challenge" Challenging your mind body and soul, outside as we kick off that theme for the summer months.  please pray that we are really able to help challenge kids to think deep about their relationship with Christ and how they need to grow in that and become closer to him, what a monster challenge that will be for us.  
Thought I would just give you a small update of the amazing month of May for the Gunderson family.  We are all  looking forward to a little time together on our family vacation the first week in may to see my sister Sara and her family in Billings MT.


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