
 A favorite place for all of us to go and relax is in Spicer MN at our GG and Nanas place. We love every minute we get to play in the sun and be in the water with them. The weather was fantastic both times we went to visit so we were in our swim suits the whole time! Jacob is loving nanas newly stained deck while he holds on to the rails and acts like a big boy!!!
 Caleb loves chillin' with his family, especially wherever his brothers are!!!
 GG was great at giving everyone lots of tubing rides!!! It was fun to take breaks and jump in the lake too! The boys got brave this summer and just started rolling off the tubes to fall into the water. GG is wondering what they will be doing when they are teenagers! Watch Out Everybody!!!
 I love Micah's crazy hair and free spirit!! I will sure miss this brave boy this fall as he heads off the Kindergarten soon!!! What a wonderful summer with you buddy!
Caleb loved playing in the water for hours this summer! Fun to watch him play at the lake.

Great memories were made once again in Spicer. Our boys loved playing in the water, going out to pizza, going to Ice Age to take a break from the sun, watching Olympics, snuggling and eating lots of treats....all with their very special GG and Nana. 


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