A Great Weekend!!

What a GREAT Weekend!!!
Andrew had his 8th birthday party with his friends last friday October 4th and they had a blast playing flag football together!!
6 friends + 4 Gunderson boys = one great birthday party!!!
Little Caeser's Pizza and Root beer floats for dessert....presents to follow!!
We finished up the night by heading to the Mustang's homecoming game!!! Wow, did we have some excited little boys!! Lots of cheering and laughing together. The birthday party treat bags were a hit as they snacked the night away...
I think the bubble gum was their favorite past time... brothers sitting together. Micah leans over to me that night and says, "even though Drew has all his buddies for his party tonight, Im still Drew's best buddy." :) Glad we could celebrate Andrew with his friends and brothers, such a great group of boys!!!
Saturday morning we woke up and headed out to the Acorn Dash at Oaklawn Elementary. Here are the racers hanging out and ready to go!!!
Jake is set to race!!!
At the starting line with some awesome mascots to pump us up!!! A Great morning as a family, and with other friends and family from Oaklawn!!
Sunday morning I woke up and headed to the Twin Cities Marathon!!! Perfect weather and a more than determined mind and body ready to take on this race!!! I trained hard, sacrificing sleep and time to run many many miles on the road to train and prepare for this day. My only set back came the last two weeks prior to race day where I strained my calf and injured my hip. Unsure of how I would perform after coming off such a great training cycle, I prayed Joshua 1:9 over and over and told God I am trusting Him to heal me and make me strong for race day. I headed out October 6th ready to fight... no matter what!!!

Throughout the course these cute kids were cheering me on and encouraging me the whole way!!! Loved it!!! Thank you Megan and Ashley, Andrew and Micah. You are the best!!!
My first 20 miles (2:30) of the race went fast and super strong.... the last 6.2 were a bit more challenging bringing me to the finish line at 3:20!!! So thankful I could race so well today!!! For the most part my training was strong and gave me lots of confidence. So thankful for friends and family praying me through the course!!! Loved getting out there and racing my heart out for the Lord!!! Many times I found myself just smiling and running strong.... and thats how we worship our God with ALL that we are.

One GREAT Weekend!!!


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