My Buddy~
The years before our boys headed off to school were some of the most precious memories I have. It is such a joy to have had this year alone with our youngest, Jake. In a sense I have treasured this year more then any other, as I know how fast these days go by, and this time, they are my last. Jake fills my heart with JOY everyday. His SMILE makes everyday Great! And when he says "Mom, I love you" it reminds me why I sacrifice all other commitments to a minimum. Our time is far better then anything else. I cherish these moments with my sweet, silly and very chatty 3 year old, Jacob Kyle. 
It was our first beautiful day this spring and we decided to have a picnic at the park! Our first game was trying to balance on these beams without touching the lava (wood chips)!! Jake was a pro!
Zipped down the slides!
Pretended we were monkeys!!
Jake wanted me to take this pic of our shadows!
We packed a yummy lunch and snuggled together for this shot!
Jake, I know my days are numbered before you head off to school with your brothers. If there was a PAUSE button somewhere, I would push it so we could have these special days together forever!! You are the sweetest and I am so glad God me you, my 4th son. You make my heart complete!!!
You will always be My Buddy!!