
Showing posts from October, 2017

Girls Weekend!!

It was absolutely wonderful. One of my top faves of my year is going away on a girls trip w my mom!! We just love spending time together and our yearly trip is so good for our souls. This was our 2nd year of starting our girls weekend with back messages and lunch at Panera bread, and it has become a great tradition for us! ❤️ On our way to the cabin we always shop at Albertville mall and this year the weather was crazy with strong winds and snow! So our shopping time was cut short but we sure didn’t suffer too much as we picked up some great finds at Old Navy, Gap and the kitchen store!!  Once we got to the cabin we completely shut down and rest...sleep, read, chat, laugh, drink tea, watch movies (Latino Lover😂), go on walks, eat scones, watch mini lessons on growing our faith (Bill Hybels and Priscilla Shirer this year), pray and soak up every minute together. We love it!! Girls weekend 2017 complete❤️

Painting with Amy!

I had such a fun morning painting w Amy!! We came up with this idea a few weeks ago that it would be fun to start doing “fun days out together!” Our painting adventure was so much fun and it was really nice to spend time together.💜 We ran into our friend Ann too and it was really fun to visit and paint together. Lots of laughing! We really laughed because Amy put her paint brush in her tea!!😂 As we all know I’m not known for my artistic skills but I didn’t sweat it, just really enjoyed myself w a very special friend today. Lunch at Red Robin before heading home. Felt wonderful to laugh and have a great day out!💜you Amy!!

Football Season 🏈

Football season is wrapping up this Saturday and Kyle and I had so much fun cheering for our guys!! A very special season for Micah and Caleb to play on the same team together!! I am always so amazed at how well our boys treat one another on and off the field. Micah, you are an incredible big brother and made Caleb feel like a ⭐️ with all your passes to him and high fives! Great season!🏈 Fun to play under the lights in Eau Claire!! The smiles were beamin'😊 Nana and GG made it to this game with us!! Fun to watch these boys together! So proud. Drew had a great season trying out touch football for his first year! He played quarter back 99.9% of the time and played awesome!!! He loved every Tuesday and Thursday evening with his team! Take them Bubba!!! He's all set to do BIG things! Football season went by fast....but oh so much fun for these guys!!! Basketball starts next week!!🏀

Jacob is 6!!

Jacob was pretty happy to turn 6 this week!! We'd been planning our lunch date and party plans for a long time now so he was ready to take action!!! Check it out!!!  Jacob loves chicken and french fries with lots of dipping sauce! He chose Arby's to get the best mix and was smiling like this the whole time. Jacob you are growing fast but we are enjoying every minute with you! Fun lunch date with the BIG 6 man!!  He was MORE than ready to begin the party!!! Jake was very specific in his planning that it had to be a football party with his brothers (wearing their football jerseys) and a few of his best buddies.... so I think we nailed it!!! Here goes!!🏈  Jake made his own party sign to draw in everyone who was coming.  Let the flag football games begin!  Hot dogs, pasta salad with extra dressing, chips, pickles, green apples with carmel and gatorades to drink! Yummm😋  Football toss time!  Football blindfold game! ...

Caleb at the Vikes game!!!

Our bubba man was pretty excited to head out to the Vikings vs Packer game today w his best buddy Alan!!!! He was beyond excited to help celebrate his friends’ birthday in a very special way!! Have fun Caleb!!!🏈💜💛

Drew is 12!!

Such a great week celebrating such a special guy! So glad we get one more year before the teenage years kick in!! 12 is going to be a great year Drew! It was so fun cheering for Drew at his cross country meet in Eau Claire on his real day! He ran super fast and knocked off 2 minutes to his time!! PR for the birthday guy, look at that smile! We headed out to Culver's for supper and ate ice cream for dessert! Home to watch the Vikings game in our PJs. Drew had a nice day and said he can't believe he's 12 and in middle school already... I totally agree! He's got such a great attitude and we are so glad God has blessed us with this boy! Happy 12 man!  Next up is Drew's special night touring the Vikings stadium with us and a few close friends. We had a blast and the new Vikings stadium is just so crazy cool! Take a peak at all the pics of Drew's special night.  Walker, Drew and Kahne livin' it up in the stadium!  Just checkin' out a really n...

September Highlights!

September went by so fast! Getting into a new routine and soaking up the evening hours with the boys and their many activities has made life fly by. Here are our September highlights!  I forgot to post Jacob's 1st day of Kindergarten pic in the last post and wanted to make sure I put it into this one because he was so excited to start school with the brothers and start being a big boy. Kindergarten is going so well for him and he is really enjoying it! September lunch date with Jake! We had fun visiting together with his new friends. They are all so cute and funny! They seem to really like "Jakey" 😊 Kyle and I had fun racing in the Stillwater Triathlon! It really was a new experience for us and we both finished feeling excited to start doing more triathlons together. I love that Kyle and I are enjoying this sport together. Our Friday's together have become my FAVORITE day of the week as we get to spend the whole day together! September Friday's have b...