Spring Break Favorites!
2. Science Museum- Game Changers!
Once Kyle finished up his classes at Bethel we took the boys to the science museum to check out Game Changers together! We also went to the omnitheater to see Cuba with my mom. For lunch we walked over to Cassetta’s for pizza and enjoyed the day together.
It was really nice to visit my grandpa Vern. It was sad to visit him for the first time without seeing grandma. I miss her so much and I can tell it’s been hard on my dad since she has passed away this spring. Grandpa seemed pretty good but aging faster each time I see him. Glad we took time to visit him. My aunt Sharon and uncle Duane were their too so that was really nice.
The guys had fun playing dad and grandpa in many games of cribbage! It was fun to see Jake playing too!
We also visited grandpa Curt and went swimming at Covenant Village! Grandpa really wanted to get our picture by all these Jesus paintings. Fun afternoon!
6. Celebrating March Birthdays!Celebrating all March birthdays with our crew! Micah, Kyle and Logan!! Uncle Ben picked up lots of pizzas (that ended up being someone else’s pizza order😂) and we enjoyed many laughs together!