November days lately

During some depressing COVID times, my older brother Ben and his family, and our crew decided to get a few rooms at the Dells and go have a little mental break.... Gotta say we enjoyed every minute! It was Bens 43rd birthday too so we rocked that out pretty well with slides, pizza, the Hurricane, and cupcakes!🥳 I am so grateful for family and time we got to share with them playing and pretending life was easy again. We all wish we could live their forever, or until COVID was over. For good!😄Super cool memories for us! We went to Waterfront after getting back from our mini vaca to share our highlights and eat cheese curds, that was pretty fantastic too.😁 Christmas lights are up and ready to go! Thanks to our Christmas light decorators Micah and Jake! They had fun going to Walmart and buying new lights for the house. Kyle likes to give them a dollar amount to purchase new lights for the season, this year we have a new tree that lights up and lights around our trees! It’s really fantas...