
Showing posts from April, 2021

Bubba day!😄

Monday  was Bubba day! We started our day at Dunkin’ Donuts because Caleb had two coupons for free donuts with the purchase of a drink.😀 hot cocoa and a coffee for us, found those amazing orange chairs and settled in for some great conversation, just us. So much that is on his mind lately is baseball and his season ahead, so we talked all things baseball and positions, gear and tournaments ahead. I loved every moment with him.  Next up, we looked up some new cookie recipes and decided on a brownie peanut butter chip cookie that looked delicious! They turned out great!  We stopped at Dunham’s,one of Calebs favorite places to splurge and we looked at all the baseball stuff, knowing we needed compression shorts and baseball bat tape! He is set for his game tonight. ⚾️  Then, we took a long route on our bikes to get a fun ride in together before heading to lunch at Culver’s, his favorite lunch spot! Back home to play games together, this one is Pass the Pigs, one we had...

Jet Skis!

This weeks highlight... Jet Skis!  The weather was chilly this week but our excitement set eyes on these two jet skis that gets us pumped up for summertime!!☀️Before we know we’ll be zipping around in these on lake Menomin😁 Summer we are already Ready4YOU!😄

New Driver!+baseball schedules!+new favorite tea+chilly weather week.

Drew It’s been a BiG week for this man of ours.♥️He got his drivers permit last Friday and it has been such a joy to be apart of this next teenage step...driving. He’s doing fantastic too! It’s been really fun. On top of him driving, Drew also got his first job at Culver’s here in town. A few BIG 1st things, and we couldn’t be more proud. Baseball Schedules are in full swing. Now, if I can just get all the boys practices and games right and not mix it all up!😳Its a big job! My new favorite tea! Give this one a try, I promise it’ll be your new favorite too! Spring is in the air  but it was a chilly gray week last week, thankful our weekend days have been sunny ☀️ Not as warm as Easter weekend, but I will not complain. All 5 guys are off on a fun weekend away this weekend, and I am soaking in some quiet house time. Enjoying every minute! Can’t wait to see them tomorrow afternoon though.😀

Easter weekend💕

I have to start this blog post bragging about the amazing weather we had over Easter weekend this year! Absolutely incredible. The sun was bright and warm, allowing us to play outside in shorts and t shirts, and at night relaxing on the patio comfortably. It was perfect. We loved every minute we got to spend with Kyle’s parents and Callie too, so thankful they were able to come spend some time with us!  We had fun playing egg toss! We went through 2 dozen eggs...totally worth it😁 Basketball court time 🏀 some in swim suits! Getting our Easter lunch set up... Opening up our eggs from our scavenger hunt 🐣 Dying Easter eggs a new way was fun....shaving cream/food dye/vinegar mix! Thanks Callie for showing us a new way to make eggs look so cool.😎 It was really fun to spend time with her. It’s so nice to have a girl in the house🌸 Caleb and Jake dying eggs, fun memories together. Micah and Callie got to work on those cupcakes 🧁  They turned out GREAT! 😋  Egg Hunt at Cedar...

Spring birthdays! 🌸🌼

 Our family makes my heart so happy and fills me right up! It is so much fun to see all the cousins running around the house, the dogs enjoy the energy too, and Kyle and I love having everyone together. This time our hot tub was a hit! Cousin love and cake eating!💕 Spring birthday party! 🎉 Girls coloring station 🖍 🖍  More hot tub in the rain time! Love chillin’ with this crew. Kick ball with the uncles, thankful all the cousins get along and love spending time together. Such a fun day!