
Showing posts from November, 2023


Trail running  is so pretty in the fall! Feels nice to get off road running at times. …especially for recovery runs! Final week of peak training is complete! Taper time begins… ready to catch up on some rest! 14 DAYS OUT until Race Day! Celebrating great Grandpas 97th birthday! He looks great! Drew praying at our football banquet, so proud of the leader he is! Stepping Stones serving dinner last night as a family was really fun! We all hope to do it again soon. I think the boys enjoyed visiting with the homeless people and we felt really good about the evening together! This cute couple in hair bonnets!😆Fun to watch the, save together! As we head into Thanksgiving week, I find myself so thankful for our faith, family and friends.❤️ Looking forward to this week of rest and family time!  

Carson10😀1st place female.

Carson10 1st place female Fun morning racing on some hills and working on speed! I’m glad I jumped into this one. Nice to have some local races nearby.  Great training race for CIM23!! It was a chilly morning while waiting for awards to happen! Worth the wait though for some Scheels gift cards😆 I SMILE when I am having fun, I really enjoyed this morning!!!  

Mexico Mission Trip ‘23 Kyle&Micah Junior year☀️

Such an incredible trip for Kyle and Micah! These guys had such a wonderful trip to Mexico a few weeks ago, I wanted to share with you that Micah has a huge servants heart. He loves serving and he is not shy jumping right into a new community and sharing Jesus. I’m incredibly excited for how God is going to use Micah to further His Kingdom. Micah, get ready for God to do big things with you! Micah, so awesome that by the end of the day you made these buddies! And had a special handshake together! Micah led devotions for the staff and team one morning, Kyle said he did a good job stepping out of his comfort zone. Getting into trouble with his new friends! I Kyle and Micah on a hard work day together. I’m so glad you guys had this awesome opportunity!!

Teaching 6th grade Language Arts📚

6th grade Language Arts I’m loving this position. It’s been an adjustment for me and our family, but when I’m teaching each day I am reminded how much I love this! Extremely grateful for the opportunity to teach in our community, I knew many of my students because they are in Jake’s grade.  I think one of the greatest benefits though is seeing my 6th graders outside of school. Especially on Wednesday nights at youth group. We get to play games, sing, and learn about God together. That’s the best part. They see I’m a Christian and love Jesus first. I’m their teacher 2nd. ❤️ God you are so good to us when we allow you to be the driver of our life!  

Senior football Season🏈

Senior Football Season ‘23!  A huge dump of football pics from an incredible season!!! Drew, you are an AMAZING athlete and we loved every minute cheering you on year. Incredibly proud of your leadership and devotion to the team. We hope you remember this season for a lifetime! I’m always your biggest fan, Drew.❤️Mom So chilly our final game night!  

Happy 18th Birthday Drew!🥳

18 years old. Hard to believe we have another adult in our house! Andrew Marvin, we love you so much. So proud of the guy you are and how you lead others around you and steer us all towards Jesus!  The years have simply gone too fast…  5years old, in International falls❤️ Senior photos! Drew and Maddie have been dating now for a few months, and we absolutely love her! Pretty fun to have a girl in the house. We love her kind spirit, her patience, her laughter and that she spends time with us is our favorite! She loves Jesus too and serving God on mission trips or volunteering her time in Menomonie. Drew is one lucky guy! Praying as God guides their relationship this year.❤️ Halloween Costumes!🎃