
This spring Andrew and I have enjoyed going to storytime at the library on Thursday mornings at 10:30AM. We arrive around 10:00 so we have time to do puzzles together and get ready for the storytime gathering song. Once Andrew hears the library lady (Diane) sing her song to begin storytime, Andrew runs to find his carpet square! It is so hilarious to watch him choose his "perfect" square. It takes him a while until he finally finds that great square and sits down. Usually Andrew can sit for a good 5 minutes until he gets restless! He than walks around the room, organizes carpet squares, sits next to Diane while she reads aloud or walks up to the story and stands in everybodys way! When I get nervous that he is not sitting still, I remind myself he is only 18 months old and the very youngest at storytime. Many moms comfort me in saying that their child was the same way. However, since Andrews daddy is just as restless when it comes to sitting still, I am a little unsure about...