
Kyle and I took off on a wonderful weekend away to Chicago! We had a great time together without the kids for a few days! We stayed at the Hyatt hotel where "Simply Youth Ministry" had their annual conference. We joined this conference this year and were very pleased. There were 2500 youth pastors nation wide that came and it was very powerful to see everyone that serves Christ in the same ministry. Kyle and I really enjoyed the speakers, worship and Toby Mac concert! We also went to a track session on small groups and becomming more effective in building small groups in our youth ministry. We took back some great ideas!
When we weren't attending the conference we had the chance to go downtown Chicago for an afternoon. We went with our friends Jackie and Jason and had a great time touring, eating chocolate and doing a little shopping. We also enjoyed a couple amazing pizza nights as well. It was so refreshing to get away and spend time together. Kyle and I love the chance to get away together and enjoyed holding hands and laughing without the kids for a few moments:) Thank you Grandma and Grandpa who helped make this possible and who understand the importance in taking a break every once in awhile!


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