
 Kyle and I love watching our boys excitement over Christmas morning! As always, the boys are pretty sure they heard Santa Clause in the house and could hear those reindeer on the roof!
 Even though they were pretty sure they wouldn't get coal in their stockings I could hear a sense of relief fill the house when their stockings were full that morning! Oh thank you Santa!! :)

 It was a Teenage Muten Ninja Turtle Christmas in our house!!! Yay turtles!!!
 Bubba loves his turtle hat!
 Thinking Jake felt a little gipped as he got boats and mittens for Christmas... I love this face!
 Jake had fun unwrapping this year! In fact, we had to open gifts quick before Jake started opening everyones gifts for them!!!
Lots of wonderful gifts given to us from our families... the boys have been busy playing since we've come home!
Kyle and I love watching our boys enjoy the true reason of Christmas as we celebrated Jesus' birthday together, but also to see the twinkle of that magical experience through Santa. In these many memories made this Christmas together with our boys and family we find ourselves overwhelmed by Gods love for us and thankful for the gift of His son Jesus. Christmas 2012!!!


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