A Week Without Daddy....

We spent the first 10 days of November without Kyle as he headed out to Honduras on a mission trip!! We were all super excited for him to go and help people find clean water to drink!!! While he was gone we thought of some fun things to do together to make our time special too...
Andrew loves his friend Walker this year. These two boys love being together and do the silliest things!! 
Caleb loves swimming so he was really looking forward to wearing his goggles and jumping in!! We 
had a great afternoon at the pool!!!

Sunday afternoon, Sten offered to play football with the boys while I took Jake in the stroller for a run!!! Felt so great for all of us to get fresh air and for the boys to get some awesome Sten time in!! Thankful for great neighbors!!!
That night we were invited to join the Lewis family for pizza and enjoyed a fun night of laughing and playing together with them.... we love hanging out with them!!!
A few picnics throughout the week in the living room made things feel different and special too!! 

The Fanetti family invited us over for a yummy lasagna supper and hot tub party!!! So great to have somewhere to go and be with friends we love!!!

Loved spending time with Micah this week snuggling, playing checkers, reading, and throwing the football together.
Jake loves stickers, markers, and paint!!! I know....awesome!! He was having some special mommy time in the afternoon before we went to pick up Caleb from school. 

A huge blessing for me this week came on Wednesday morning at 8:30am...My new and sweetest friend Erica and her little girl Lucy came over and played with Caleb and Jake so I could get out on a run.... truly truly thankful!! Jake loves Lucy and jumps up and down when he sees her coming over!! I love this picture Erica sent me of their morning together. Looking forward to more fun memories of them together. That night Erica came over with some awesome Mac and Cheese, amazing apple cookies, and apple slices.... we were truly loved on by the Carlson family this week!! Love them all!!

Loved spending time with these little boys on Friday!! I love how silly, innocent and full of life they are!! Such a joy:) 
Caleb convinced me to buy him a big fat hotdog at SamsClub...and he loved every bite!! You rock Caleb!!!:) 
Saturday morning brought us to some B-Ball action and as you can see we were silly!!!
There was lots of laughing and quality time spent together just the boys and I this week. I love when we fill our hours during the day of being together. It was so awesome to have such great quality time with just my boys!!! This week the boys and I had a week we will never forget and we become stronger in our relationship because of these weeks.....doesn't mean we didn't miss daddy like crazy!!!! Glad he's home and his trip was incredible!!!!!


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