Happy Halloween!!

 Always fun to carve pumpkins together a few days before Halloween! One of the many little traditions the boys love throughout the year as a family!
 As the boys get older though the more time and creativity they like to put into them! So fun!
What started out to be a cute pumpkin face turned into a 5 sided pumpkin with the first letters of all his brothers names...A, M, C, J...Andrew loves his brothers! He also did a Vikings pumpkin!
 On Thursday afternoon, Halloween Day, Kyle and I had to split up and go to each of the kids activities at school. Kyle went to Oaklawn to hear Micah's class sing spooky songs and watch Andrew and Micah participate in the costume parade. I headed over with Jacob to St. Joes to hear Caleb sing silly Halloween songs and pass out treat bags! We all met back home for pumpkin cookies and family time.
 You can tell the sugar is hitting Micah's system already! Nice time to check in as a family and hear about our parties!
 Ate supper early and got back into costume! Andrew and Micah were football players, Caleb our power ranger and Jake our pirate!! Here we go!!
 Our pirate had a blast running up the houses and saying "T and Teet!!"
 Having fun!! Jake made his way to the front after awhile. This was one of the first houses we went to and he was still figuring out how to do this! Love how all 4 boys are waiting for treats!
After trick or treating for an hour and 45 minutes we headed back and dumped out all our treats in our own piles and checked it all out!!!

These years go by way too fast not to capture this moment with them! Kyle and I had a blast watching them and listening to the silly things they say!! Love it!!! Happy Halloween!!!


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