Valentine's Day!

I love taking these simple holidays and making them extra special moments for us as a family! We had a fun family night at home together!

Getting things all ready...heart cake!
We all put our special Valentines to each other on our table spots...

We enjoyed opening up our special Valentines from each other before we ate our heart pizza made by daddy!!
Feelin' extra loved and special!
Thank you grandma and grandpa for some extra dollars! Jake bought his "red racer" with grandma and nanas special dollars!
Caleb had so much fun decorating his Valentine box and was pumped to know that his friends were putting treats in his box! First time having a Valentine party at school!
Micah and I enjoyed time together at his Valentine party at school. It was really fun helping out! I didn't take many pics but posted this one to help remind me of my time with my sweet Micah. 

Kyle and I enjoyed watching the boys exchange valentines together and seeing what they gave us! Always makes us smile at their ages what they come up with :) We are so blessed by these boys!!


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