
Lately I have been asked by many- “Now that you’ve accomplished one of your biggest goals, what’s next??” and to be honest I have been really soaking up my 2:58:01 marathon accomplishment and feeling extremely grateful my body felt so strong and healthy for that race. I will never take for granted a healthy body… many of you know my journey has included some pretty tough injuries along the way. So first, I really haven’t hurried to find a “next goal” but have sat in awe and thankfulness. All that to say I am a goal kinda girl and love a good challenge. So on Jan 1, 2024 I signed up to race the Javelina Jundred with some of my greatest running buddies! It will be my 2nd 100miler and this time will be held in Arizona (not Iowa) where it will be very hot. My goal tho will be to have a blast with running friends and finish the race- different then a road race goal….  I really love a good challenge!! 
easy trail runs have started….and at the perfect time when the wild flowers are gorgeous!

I love this quote❤️
a lil hills this morning on my tower run at Hoffman hills! It’s been a while since I’ve been there, felt good.



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