Homecoming Friday

We love parades and when we moved to Menomonie we were really excited to hear they had a Homecoming parade!! Every year its a fun tradition. 
 The boys love the massive amounts of candy given each year and go crazy in the streets grabbing as much as possible, as though they've never had candy before. These smiles are sneaky because they say, "We want candy!"
 A little pre-show before the parade began from Drew and Preston- Nice!
 Waiting to pounce at any candy dropped. These boys.
Then off to the Homecoming game we went! The weather was great and there were tons of fans ready to cheer on the Mustangs! As always the Gboys know that mom only comes along if she has a box of milk duds and a diet coke. The game was pretty intense but in the end, Mustangs won!!!

Fun evenings that make great traditions. Homecoming in Menomonie 2015.


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