Fun memories leading up to Christmas!

It's always lots of fun getting ready for Christmas!!! The boys have their favorite cookies they like to bake now and remember some fun traditions we try to fit into the Christmas season. Take a peak!! Jake is crazy about squishing cookie dough balls with his glass cup and then putting sprinkles on top! We like to do this one when no other brother is around bc he likes to squish and sprinkle by himself! Our bubba man is an expert at cut out cookies, and these are by far his fave to eat! Micah jumped in here and helped with the cut outs too! Forget to take a pic! Drew's master pieces... Drew is great at frosting the cut outs and likes to put lots of frosting on them! Going to the winter parade is lots of fun to do together and the boys love it!! We've started gathering quite a crew of parade friends that like to join too! We smile bc the boys inch closer and closer to the parade the time a few have gone by the boys are almost...