Celebrating w Grandpa!

Dad retired from working 38 years at Coke on December 30th, 2015. Ben, Jesse and I were so proud of our dad and wanted to surprise him by showing up at his work "goodbye" party!
 It was a really special afternoon for the original 5
Excited for the many new adventures that lie ahead for him. I am thankful to have such a great relationship with my dad and really look forward to spending more time with him.

ALL of Us Celebrate!
We had a really fun winter day in January celebrating grandpa as a whole family! Check it out!
Bubba pulled out his snowboard madness for us!
Drew is the toughest kid ever refusing a scarf over his face when the temps were below zero. But that smile warms me right up!
Aunt Kara and Lila Kate!
Here goes grandpa and Caleb with Jake and uncle Jesse in the background!
Love Logan's smile! This boy cracks me up with how brave he was, sledding right down the hill to the creek to hang with cousin Micah...sounds like trouble!
grandpa and the girls!
Momma and Micah enjoying time together.
Of course there must be sled racing with this crew!
Kyle and Micah sled right to the parking lot it was so slick.
Caleb looks like a seal on a sled! Super cool!

These smiles with the sun shining made for one very special day.
We love you so much dad/grandpa!!! A new chapter of fun begins and we get to be apart of it!!!


Anonymous said…
I am so lucky to have such wonderful and loving wife,children and grandchildren. It was such a special week, with the work party and then the party with all of you. Sledding was really fun and I thank everyone for coming and for the gifts. Haven't made it to Cabellas yet, but it is near! Thank you all, love you!!
Jim,dad,or grandpa

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