Time w Lynn and Race time!

It is always a highlight to our summer to have Lynn come visit us! I am so thankful that she loves to come see us each summer and spend time with us. Lynn wanted to get an updated pic of the boys and here is what she got! They are growing up so fast As always Lynn likes to entertain us with new games, crafts and activities to do each day! I like having her come towards the end of the summer when all my unique ideas have run dry! Boys had fun boucing balloons with fly swatters! Minute to Win It Challenges were a HIT! It was a really nice few days spending time with such an AMAZING woman of God. I was blessed. Kyle and I ran in the Gopher to Badger Half Marathon in Hudson so Lynn and boys came to cheer us on! Jacob found this great tree to cheer from! We finished our race proud to have done it, but it was a really tough race for both of us. Sometimes that happens. Always reminded what a gift running is no matter the outcome! Caleb James was baptized...