October Birthdays!

October is such a special month for our family because 2 of the 6 of us have birthdays! Drew and Jacob...our big and little guy! We had lots of fun celebrating these special guys! I've gotta say Drew is incredible about encouraging Jacob in all he does. I couldn't be more proud of the big guy Drew is becoming. We ran in the Run4Water with our church family and the boys decided they could all manage the 1 mile pretty well. Here comes Jacob and daddy to the finish line with Drew cheering them on! Nice work! Drew has officially turned 11 and Jman 5years old. Fun celebrating these two with our family! Lots of thoughtful gifts and great birthday singing! Our big surprise this year for the boys were new bikes. Drew got a really nice Giant bike and Jake got his very own bike that no one has EVER rode before! As the youngest of 4 boys that is really a big deal! He kept saying, "I want my very own bike that's just mine!" Happy Birthday Boys! We celebrated Dr...