
Before these days get too far ahead of me I need to pause a moment and reflect on what a special Fall it has been for our family. The Apple Orchard and Homecoming events in Menomonie are just a few!
We sure missed daddy and Drew the day we went to the apple orchard in Spring Valley. However, the rest of our crew had a wonderful time and had fun on the hay ride!
The boys had fun picking out apples and pumpkins and eating donuts...
Such a fun afternoon with these 3!
The Homecoming parade is a favorite tradition for us and the weather was perfect! Loved hanging out with the Husby family and having supper together before the game. Year #2!
We got all sorts of crazy cool stuff from the parade and fun to see some of our friends in the parade too!
So cute to watch the boys watching and waiting with bags in hand...
It's incredible how much candy the boys take home from the parade. They really don't even need to get trick-or-treating on Halloween! It's all still lingering in their bedrooms.
Fun night watching the game in our t-shirts and spending the evening with our Menomonie friends. And the Mustangs WON!!!


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