Memorial Weekend!!

The weather was incredibly warm and just right for some fun on the lake this weekend!! It was a jump in the water or be miserably hot kind of weekend!!!☀️

Our first wakeboard runs on Menomin!! 

**May 26th was our official 1st jump in the lake day for 2018!! I like to take note of when the water was decent enough for the first swim! 

Drew had some fun and it was so great to see him relaxing and enjoying time on the water. 

Mountain Dew & Muscles!!

Cutest smile all weekend!

It felt awesome to have a little break from baseball and basketball and play in the water together! The boys had a blast together.

Jake’s 1st wake boarding magic of the season!!

Caleb took a turn driving the boat!! He looked so happy sitting with Dad. 

Our big guy loving the lake and being on the water.

These boys are so much fun to hang out with!!! It was a perfect Memorial weekend for Us!!☀️

Summer, we are so ready for you!!! School Countdown is totally ON!!!😄


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