Time with Caleb.

We planned it. Picked him up on my bike at school at noonish and we took off! Subway first on the plan and the weather was gorgeous for our special day!
I love time with Caleb. He is so joyful, simple spirited, happy and fun to chat about EVERYTHING with! We soaked in our time. Biking got warm so we stopped for a drink and I thought it was a great moment to grab this pic of my sweet 9 year old.
Came home and baked Easter cookies. The house was quiet and the only noise that filled the air was our voices chatting and laughing. I think he really enjoyed the space to bake cookies on his own with mom. 
Caleb is our master sprinkler! He had fun decorating all the bunnies with lots of different sprinkle colors!
Sorry. One of our favorite games to play together. 
He won a game.
I won a game.

Time with Caleb. A perfect afternoon. 


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