2020 Mantra

Living Light 2020

Living Light physically. I want to feel light when I run and play with the boys, not feeling heavy or sluggish throughout my day. A few diet changes this year plus include drinking more water and less caffeinated beverages I think will help!
Living Light emotionally. Not taking life too seriously and not becoming anxious or stressed easily but bringing it all to God each day. 
Living Light in running. Take each race as an opportunity to worship and praise God with the healthy body that he gave me and being thankful for what each race brings. Being focused on Personal Excellence and seeking Gods best for Me. 
Living Light at home. Less worried about getting everything done and more focused on time spent with the people I love the most. Set clear boundaries for technology so my mind can focus and be present. Living light with my boys and Kyle will help our whole family smile a little bit more, stress a little bit less. 
Living Light in my community. Entering a room or environment with a light heart and being willing to love and care for anyone around me. Having eyes to see those who need a friend to talk to. 
Living Light in the moment. Being present. Living for now. Not thinking about the future or desiring to be someplace else. 
I love this quote: You can't do your best if your mind is elsewhere. - Ryan Holiday

This year I don't want to dwell or needlessly complicate life. I simply want to:
Be here.
Be all of me.
Be present.
Live Light.
2020 begins!


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