Mines of Spain 100miler 🤩

 100 miles Complete:  Mines of Spain100mile was an incredible experience. I give God all the glory for this one because He surrounded me with such a wonderful coach who believes in me and came up with this crazy idea to tackle 100miles, something I would have never dreamed of on my own. Thankful for my running friend Leah for joining me on my trail runs once a week, Tammi who also ran this race, and for the new friends I met out in Iowa who love the trails too. I was blessed beyond measure. 

The weather was perfect and the trails were so pretty…

We completed 5loops of this course and each loop went by crazy fast. I never struggled to regroup and head back out for the next loop. I was having so much fun!
The aid stations were amazing and packed with lots of energy by the amazing volunteers and the food was super good! My favorite was the cheese quesadillas.

We talked about silly things and took on some serious discussions but mostly just ran with a clear mind and silence filled the air. It’s so nice to have a running buddy you feel comfortable talking with but also can run in silence and peace. 

I am thankful this race was in the earlier part of fall because the temps were still enjoyable in the dark! Even a week later and this race would have been really chilly. Night time running has its challenges for me as I do not see as well in the dark. Surprisingly I did pretty well during this race, God was protecting me!

Here is us coming into the FINISH!!! It’s kinda funny because although I was excited to be crossing the finish line, I was extremely sad it was over. Rick said to me as we started Friday morning, “it’ll be over before you know it.” And it was…it was by far one of the coolest, most heart filling, spirit led races I have ever done.
100miles is not scary to me! It is an absolute JOY!! A gift to conquer.

I’m so thankful for those God brings into my life to bless me and show me how much I am loved.❤️ Only God can do the unthinkable, indescribable miracles in our lives. He continues to shower me with His goodness and shows me anything is possible through Him who gives me strength. 
Here are some fun finisher pics.

I’m coming after you again sometime 100miler! 
All for you, Lord! 
Mines of Spain 100mile, Complete ✅ 


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