
Showing posts from May, 2022

Moms knee surgery+baseball games/tournament+more sunshine!

  Moms surgery went so well!  My mom had knee surgery last week and it went really well! So thankful I could be with my dad during moms surgery and spend some really needed time with him. Mom is doing well in her recovery and I think she is so brave. Not an easy surgery and recovery, but she is totally amazing and so strong.  ⚾️ Baseball games  have filled our evenings during the week and our gas tanks! But Bubba and Jake are loving every minute, so we are too. πŸ˜€ 🏌️ Golf season  is pretty well wrapped up, the team banquet is next Friday night! Drew has really improved and was asked to be the captain on the team next year, pretty proud of him. 🎾 Tennis season has wrapped up for Micah too but still heading to Madison next week to cheer on his teammates that made it to the state champs! He loves the team and says maybe he likes this better then football. He says the team made the season so much fun, great group of boys. We had fun watching some of his matches th...

Tennis+Baseball games+music concert 🎢 +morning runs this week+Friday fun day!

  Tennis is coming to an end quickly. Micah has had so much fun playing with the varsity guys this year, Tuesday afternoon was such a blast watching him play doubles. He’s got some great serves and learning to place the ball really well. Brings me back to the my middle school and high school years when I played tennis! I just love watching him play. Jake  is off to a great start to the season! Two games this week. He is a super star pitcher! Signs of Spring 🌷are everywhere. This was taken in our front yard this week, I love this new season. The weather has been so warm and wonderful to run in!  Jake’s 4th grade Spring concert was cute! Fun to see these 4 handsome guys all dressed up. Thankful that Jake has good friends in his class this year. I think they may be having a bit too much fun! Great photo of them. Calebs team played well last week, winning both games. Their first tourney is this weekend in Baldwin! Friday morning was beautiful and I really enjoyed an easy rec...

Highlights in May so far!

The weather was beautiful this week. I really enjoyed meeting up with my running friend Tammi @Willow River State Park. So nice to connect and soak up some needed sunshine β˜€οΈ  Kyle had a nice time in Mexico and made this home for a family! Fun to listen to stories when he came home. I’m thankful he got quality time with Mitch and Mark too, I love that my husband has quality male friendships too. I think it’s so important. Bubba and Jake started playing baseball games last week, I so enjoyed cheering and eating pistachio seeds! Drew came home late last night from his golf tournament with these 5 varsity guys! They played well as a team and had a great time. Drew says it’s an interesting group but they are growing closer and finding out what their favorites are- Mexican food is a must post golfing βœ”οΈ We had a nice day celebrating my moms birthday and Mother’s Day yesterday, the weather was perfect to go play at the park! We always enjoy playing with our Clara girl, and enjoy time wit...