
Showing posts from October, 2023

Senior Night 39-15 vs River Falls🏈📣

  Big Win for Senior Night!  Such a fun night and a great football game. We are so blessed by incredible parents and our sweet Lynn and Wes that love our boys so much. Thankful they could be apart of this very special night for our Drew. We are soaking up this Senior season, it is going by quickly. We love YOU Drew!!!!❤️ Senior Night Class of ‘24🏈❤️

Races this fall!🏃‍♀️+Jake’s 1st CC race!!

  City of Lakes half TOP10 Female  was a surprising to me very difficult race. I went into it thinking the course was super flat… and then to find out there is a decent hill that you cross 4 times! Yikes. I was not in the shape I had hoped I’d be for this one, but thankful to come out Top10 female, 9th place. It was really fun to have my parents there cheering me on! It was a great race overall and the competition thick! Fall  running is my favorite. Absolutely beautiful!  Jake had his first Cross Country meet in Chippewa falls and ran 17:23 so much fun cheering him on and of course running all over the course to see him! So proud of you Jake! Can’t wait to cheer you on again!


  Homecoming 2023   My Senior, Junior, Freshmen, 6th grader.  It is so crazy I had 3 of my boys that went to Homecoming. Thankful they had a fun night, enjoyed some dancing, and great friend time! Hosting many of their friends at our house post dance was really special too!❤️Such a proud mom. My 3 handsome Homecoming boys! Drew and Micah’s closest friends that all went on the Mexico mission trip together and hang out all the time. They hang out, do bible studies, pray, and have many bonfires together. Kyle and I have really enjoyed getting to know this group better! Football guys! Seniors Bros for life! Freshmen group  Caleb’s freshmen date, Rylee  Drew’s girlfriend Maddie❤️ HOCO ‘23 Complete! ❤️