Happy New Year!🥳

 Sunshine! Has been so rare for us lately! Thankfully, I was able to soak in this beautiful morning to Welcome in the New Year!🥳 Our home is busy. Growing boys, constantly changing schedules and keeping up with each boy making sure each boy is loved and cared for….is a lot. 

Hoping to jump back into blogging this year so that I can keep tracking our families changing seasons and see Gods continued hand in it all.

Games Over Christmas break and during these chilly gray days our family has been playing lots of scrabble, doing puzzles, watching Swagger tv series, cheering on the Timberwolves, eating nachos, lots of apples and oranges, popcorn…
Ice skating because we like to live dangerously…always. These cuties had a great time together the other day and said it was safe! Crazy weird winter of questionable ice thickness on lakes, zero to little snow, and so many gray days… and it’s January 8th! Does this mean snow is coming in April? Or maybe we will have a snowless winter? Is that possible?
We will keep enjoying family time amongst the uncertainties of this crazy winter we are having!
January ‘24❄️


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