Great TeamWork!

This week has been a busy week keeping up with our boys! On Monday Micah had a check up appointment at the clinic. He weighed 7 lbs. 13 ounces when we left the hospital last Thursday morning, and 8 lbs. 7 ounces at his doctor visit Monday! He looked great and had no signs of Jandice! Praise God for a healthy baby boy!

Micah is a content little baby. He eats every three hours during the day! Micah's last feeding is at 11:00PM and sleeps until 3:30AM for a feeding, then wakes around 7:30AM. This schedule has been very consistent for us in the last week! We hope it continues! He is also doing well with Andrew making lots of noise and throwing balls all over our house. We are thankful he is so easy at this point because Andrew is a very busy child. I am more exhausted from Andrew than Micah!

Tuesday afternoon Kyle came home from work and we went to Kmart and did some grocery shopping. Normally this would not have been a big deal with one little boy to manage. However, now with two Kyle and I had to think of a plan on how to make errons fun for the whole family. Since I can't carry anything over 25 lbs. (due to c-section) Kyle took a cart outside and packed both boys in. This of course limited our space in the cart, but we managed well. Plus, we think we probably didn't spend so much money because there simply wasn't room! After our shopping, Kyle and I came back to the house and collapsed on the couch! Luckily we have been getting meals all week from church families so we didn't have to think about cooking too!

Tonight I had Lynn ( a lady from church) come over and help me bundle up the boys so we could go say hi to all the youth kids. This was so much fun as the kids have been eagerly waiting for the new arrival and always love playing with Andrew. We also decorated the youth room with balloons and a banner to sing and celebrate Kyle's birthday! We had a great evening making Kyle feel special and seeing the teens.

I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband. He has been such a great help in the last week with Andrew and Micah. It is amazing to see how well we work together and love spending time together even amongst craziness! Although having two little boys will continue to be busy, I am confident that Kyle and I will be great partners through the ups and downs of everyday life in our home.

Thanks for your prayers!



Anonymous said…
Hey...what I really love about this whole blog is the fact that Anna is speaking about having two boys and starting to be exhausted, however, Kyle's shirt in the picture says he has a full tank! Haha I just find that pretty amusing! I will be praying for your family!
Hey guys, I love the blog! Anna, you are a great mom! I can't believe you would bundle Andrew up in the cold weather being 35 weeks pregnant and play in the snow! The transition to two was hard for me- how is it for you. I know going to 3 was much easier than going to 2. I wish I could help you, but it sounds like you have a great group from the church helping out. If you ever have any questions, just ask, I know what you are going through. Jake and Izzy are only 14.5 months apart. Hi Kyle! If you guys are ever passing through Monticello or are in Maple Grove give us a call maybe we could meet at Chuck E Cheese or something!
Miss Carrie said…
Hello! It is so great to see your beautiful family! I can't believe it has been so long. Congrats on having two beautiful boys. I miss you both, but I will be checking your blog to keep in touch. I am in Guatemala, which you can read more about on my blog (although I am sure you will be SUPER busy!)
Carrie Balvin
Anonymous said…
Well said.

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