Crazy Crazy Crazy!

Our life continues to be unbelievably busy. It has been such a great two weeks to be the father of two so wonderful boys. They are both very exhausting but amazing. They both sleep pretty well and I don't even wake up anymore at night, I know that Anna has to because she has to feed Micah, so that is a little selfish, but he only needs to do that once, we feel that we have it pretty easy, praise the Lord.

Last week we were able to bring both the boys to church on Wednesday night for all the kids to see, they always bring a smile to all the kids, as they watch Andrew dance up front with the worship music, and Micah didn't seem to mind the music at all either, Wednesday nights have been such a blessing for Anna and I to be with the kids this year, we never want to miss one.

Ministry has continued to be very busy, but great as well. I have been meeting with many students on a one to one basis about some more serious issues while we continue to have huge numbers of kids around for Teens on Wed. and even more for open gym. We have really seen the Lord at work in many of the Kids lives this past year. The kids love to bring their friends. Please pray for us in our ministry that we would be able to continue to have new visitors and that they would feel the love of Jesus when they are there, and want to learn more about Him and His love.

In Christ's Service,



Anonymous said…
What a beautiful family! Those boys are adorable! Enjoy them! Keep the pics coming - we love to see them!
Anonymous said…
Praise God!
It is really neat to see how God is using you and your talents for His work. He is really blessing your move to International Falls and while we miss you here, we know those kids need you up there. Keep up the good work, like you said, life is busier than ever but you have been blessed with a beautiful family to share it with! God Bless =)

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