Go Nana!

We had a blast with Nana and GG this summer while we were down in the cities and at the cabin. The boys and I had a great time at the Annual July 4th party at the cabin with some good friends from our previous youth ministry church in Maple Grove. We also had fun going to parks, out to ice cream and sliding down the ever famous water slide Nana purchased for us last summer! The boys continue to talk about Nana's glorious slide!

Nana and GG are so special to our boys. Micah talks about GG while swinging at the park or at supper time with us! Drew always loves his nana and enjoys eating Power Bars with her when he has a chance.

Though we will miss our Nana as she headed out to Denver Seminary for one last semester, we are cheering her on from the sidelines. Christmas will be our next visit with Nana and we can't wait for that great moment! Nana we are so proud of YOU!

Enjoy the pictures of us enjoying our Nana and GG this summer!


Anonymous said…
im your favorite reader here!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the kind words and the CUTE pictures. Yes, G.G. and Micah are certainly buddies. I'll miss seeing you all!!! I make sure to get a power bar in the mail for Andrew! Here's to one happy day...Dec. 12th :)

Love, Nana
Danyelle said…
Sure sounds like you are having a fabulous summer! Those boys of yours sure are cute.


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