Ear Infection

Our sweet little Micah continued to be a crabby bear throughout the week and I began to rethink it was just teething or nightmare scares. By Thursday night he was running a fever of 102 and continued to be really restless that night. By morning he held on to the 102 fever so I called the doctor, after running all symptoms by my wonderful sister-in-law Sara, to take him in to check for ear infection. Sure enough, the doctor said his ears looked pretty sore. Sometimes it is so hard to know what in the world is going on with little ones. Kyle and I are so glad to be sleeping again and having our little sweetheart back. 


The Andersons said…
Poor little guy:( I kind of wondered when you were telling me about it if he could have an ear infection. That is how Jordan use to be. You can't blame them when it hurts to lay down flat. Hope he is feeling better. I am assuming they put him on antibiotics? We will pray for well needed sleep around your place. Have a great week!

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