Gone Fishin' with Grandpa!

Our highlight for the month of June was our family trip to Web Lake. The boys love fishing with grandpa and spending time with him in the boat. It was fun to watch Andrew and Micah really take more interest this year.
Andrew caught lots of bass and sunfish. It was fun watching him learn how to take his own fish off the hook! I think he can be called a true fisherman now!
Micah caught lots of sunfish and enjoyed the morning he got to fish alone with grandma and grandpa. He loves when the fish are active and biting otherwise he is ready to go into town for ice cream. My kind of fisherman!
Caleb enjoyed being in grandpas boat and playing with all grandpas tools. We loved watching his eyes when the fish came out of the water. He got so excited to help pull the fish into the boat and bring them to grandpa! Caleb and I caught 18 fish together one morning and he never grew tired! What a trooper!


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