October Birthdays!

October is birthday month around here, and we have 2 boys who get super excited to celebrate their special day! Drew had his Golden birthday this year! Turning 9 on October 9th! And Jake turned 3 on October 12th!
Its always fun to brainstorm birthday party ideas to do with our friends and with family. This year, Drew wanted to go rock climbing with his friends and play baseball with his family! We were all excited to celebrate these 2 boys!!!
Drew has made such nice friends here in Menomonie. We are so thankful for his good friends Charlie, Isaac, Wyatt, Brady, Walker, Garrett and Preston. They think Drew is the coolest! They were all pumped to go rock climbing!!!
Drew, Isaac and Charlie!
Our birthday boy climbing!
Charlie, Wyatt and Drew!
Opening gifts and being crazy with friends is the best!! Drew loved every minute with his buddies and celebrating his 9th birthday!
Grandpa made this awesome baseball cake for the boys! They loved it and it was really tasty! The boys love having their family here to celebrate with! 

Singing for our October guys!
We had lots of fun playing baseball outside with the whole fam! The weather was perfect and the players were competitive! It was a blast!

Presents were awesome!
Happy 3rd birthday Jake! We love you!

Both guys got to go out to lunch together for their birthday! They chose Applebees! Chips and salsa is a favorite, and of course some Mountain Dew to drink! Love their smiles! We love these guys to pieces and can't believe how fast they are growing up!!!


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