A Week at the Lake~

Webb Lake 2016
Memories began the moment we pulled into the resort and soaked in the view of the lake. As we began to unload into cabin #1 we felt excited to begin vacation.
 Didn't take us long to hit vaca mode and enjoy getting away together. 
 Bonfire nights
 Our view right from the shoreline.
So quiet and peaceful.
 Thankful for this clothes line, we used it everyday...all day!
Dad and the boys in the boat
Great catch Micah!

 Our little dock boys causing mischief!
 Beach time is our favorite past time in the afternoons. So fun to play and swim on the beach together. When the sun was out, we were too!
 Love cousin time...
 Kaylee is loving gymnastics these days and it was fun to watch her do the splits on the beach! Love this girl soooo much!
Bros chillin'
 Spending some special time with my Caleb.
 Caleb James turned 7 years old at the cabin!
 So great to sing happy birthday to bubba with this silly hat on in Longeville MN at the turtle races. He felt super duper special
Turtle racing time!
We love you Caleb James, it was one very special day with you!

Some of my favorite pics on the lake with my favorite guys!


Drew~10 years old
Micah~ 9 years old
The sweetest pic of cousin time...playing boggle
Catching some fun in the sun together!

Kyle and I are so Thankful for the gift of being dad and mom to these 4 handsome boys.  Nothing greater in the whole world.
Always a last day at the lake pic on the dock, just cause. It's Tradition.
A wonderful week of rest, relaxation and a time to refresh together as a family. No worries in the world when you are surrounded by all the people you love the most. 
Great start to our summer!


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