New Dishwasher+time together

We got a new dishwasher!!!! Super duper excited about this because I so needed a new one!! I am married to the most wonderful man to know when enough is enough of a dishwasher that simply did not work! 
 Kyle picked up our new dishwasher last week and my parents offered to come help and hang out with us for the day! Double bonus for us!! All went well and the dishwasher is running great!
 Mom of course always has a blast playing with the boys and visiting with me. We went on 2 walks together!
 The weather was incredible getting up into the 70's! We took full advantage after our dishwasher project to be outside as much as possible. We decided to take our lunch outside and enjoy the sunshine! 1st picnic of the season!!
 Kyle treated us to our 1st boat ride of the year in the afternoon and it was so great to all hop in and take a ride!! My dad loved every minute. Makes my heart so happy to spend time with them.
 Enjoyed chatting in the boat and laughing together! Mom and I made sure to have a few extra blankets along!
Steak and potatoes for supper, fruit pizza and family game night topped off our full day. Blessed by a wonderful day with family and sunshine!! And a new dishwasher!!!


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