2018 was GREAT!!
Hard to believe another year has come to a close! Thankful for our family, for our experiences of ups and downs we went through together, and learning how perfect our family fits together. There are now 8 of us in our home! It can be chaotic, it can be restful and then playful, and sometimes it can be down right stressful. However, at the end of each day this year, we have felt closer to one another and to the Lord.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
We are so thankful for good health this year, safety, a warm home, and supportive family and friends who walk alongside us each and everyday.
Blessed beyond measure. 2018 was GREAT!! Excited for what 2019 will bring. We trust in your plans for us Lord!!