
Showing posts from 2020

Christmas 2020🎄

  Merry Christmas! ❤️ So nice to have something to prepare for and look forward to this year.  Jesus, we are glad to celebrate you! You bring us Joy and Peace this Christmas! Christmas morning began around 8! It’s beginning to look like a teenage Christmas at our house! Lots of shenanigans and silliness!😉 I love looking around my room of all the boys on Christmas, makes me smile! They loved their Nike clothes and basketballs, games and shoes! I was real happy with my new bike jersey! I’ll probably walk around the house in it throughout the winter until I bust it outside next spring/summer on my bike!😁 The BEST omelette maker in the house! Great breakfast together. We headed to mom and dads for lunch and they always make it look so fancy and nice. We so appreciate the time they take to make great food and sit down for great conversations. It was nice to share this time with Ben and Kara and the kids too.🎄 The girls looked so cute for Christmas! I loved their dresses. Logan makes me s

Christmas bedtime stories 🎄

 My little sweeties reading Christmas stories together before bed during the month of December warms my heart❤️ Kyle and I love hearing them read each night to each other.  Stay young forever 📚 

December days are flyin’!!🎄

These December days are flyin’ so I’m gonna make this a quick blog but wanted to highlight a few special moments for us! Turning 40! It went really well because I got to celebrate with everyone I love so much. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by the most amazing people that support, encourage, pray for me and help me grow! So really 40 is no biggie when God places you in the right spot with the right people.  So check out this delicious cake made by Amy! We had a fun night celebrating together🎉it was perfect to celebrate with some of my favorite people! Subbing lately has been really fun.🤩I really enjoy the kids and visiting with the teachers and staff throughout my day! It’s a perfect job for me in this season. Micah  just makes me smile all the time. This is “the look” I receive from him often as we have our daily conversations about everything and anything. Teenagers are funny! Or are they exhausting?🤔😄 1st Snowy Run was so pretty and I was making the first tracks that morning

Welcome December+a new decade!🥳

 Turning 40 went so well.🥳 Leading up to this day Kyle and I had fun planning it all out! We were getting more excited to see that the weather was going to be excellent too, making the day a true celebration of life and good health, kicking off a new decade in exactly “Anna” style. This was our map we went by to account for all 4 lakes, making the most efficient way around all of them the best we could together. It worked perfect! We started our adventure about 10:30a and the sun was bright and there were no clouds in the sky!☀️ I wore my Eau Claire t-shirt from our spring virtual race and running pants, gloves for my chilly hands, my altra comfy shoes, and my AirPods too for some light music for in between our chat time. I was set for a great run.😁 My body felt strong and healthy, relaxed. We had fun stopping a few times for pics and got this cute one of us along the way! Kyle and I are dressed slightly different. 😆❤️ Beautiful views for a beautiful day! Here’s how it totaled out!

Wrappin’ up November with thankful hearts!

Whoop! Gotta catch up a bit here on the blog! We sure had fun getting ready for Thanksgiving together and the boys had the whole week off of school! Here’s a few things that kept us busy throughout the week. We went hiking at Hoffman hills and enjoyed time out in the woods together,  they even climbed the tower with me! We also had a sugar cookie baking and kitchen dance party morning! We had so much fun jammin’ out to music and making cookies together. Still my little man and so cute! Ben hosted Thanksgiving this year! Lots of fun mixing up our menu having appetizers and pizza for lunch. 2020 was a switch up year! We walked up to the park and played and enjoyed some fresh air together! Girls played at the park... and the guys played basketball!! It was a great day🍁🦃 It was Tree day of course the next day🎄always tradition! No snow on our tree cutting day, which was kinda weird but still found a nice tree and had fun seeing friends too that day! November was a great month. In our tha

November days lately

During some depressing COVID times, my older brother Ben and his family, and our crew decided to get a few rooms at the Dells and go have a little mental break.... Gotta say we enjoyed every minute! It was Bens 43rd birthday too so we rocked that out pretty well with slides, pizza, the Hurricane, and cupcakes!🥳 I am so grateful for family and time we got to share with them playing and pretending life was easy again. We all wish we could live their forever, or until COVID was over. For good!😄Super cool memories for us! We went to Waterfront after getting back from our mini vaca to share our highlights and eat cheese curds, that was pretty fantastic too.😁 Christmas lights are up and ready to go! Thanks to our Christmas light decorators Micah and Jake! They had fun going to Walmart and buying new lights for the house. Kyle likes to give them a dollar amount to purchase new lights for the season, this year we have a new tree that lights up and lights around our trees! It’s really fantas