
Showing posts from January, 2021

January fun!❄️

Lots of outdoor fun these days! Thankful for fresh air together and with friends. Still playing lots of card games at night after supper too, which Kyle and I are really enjoying with the boys.  Ski day at Spirit Mountain! Lucky duck Micah went skiing with his friends last weekend and had such a blast! It was really fun hearing him tell us stories about his day, he always makes us laugh. 😆 Micah’s got a great core group of friends, we are so thankful! Micah sent me a few pics while he was gone, love those evening ski nights. So pretty! Jman and his hockey bros! Jake loves to ice skate with these guys. A few play hockey, and a few of them don’t. Either way they like to just trash it up on the ice together for hours. 3rd grade toughies! 🏒  Ice fishing with Cedarbrook! The younger boys and I joined the ice fishing Cedarbrook event and had a great time! It was an incredible turnout and fun to see our Cedarbrook family. I really missed having my dad with me though, he’s been a pr...

Quarantine January

 Yep. Totally started the year off with a BANG!!💥 COVID style. Looking back on it now, it all worked out but man it was a bummer 4 Us.  How did you all get Quarantined, you ask?? Let me tell ya! Drew- he was in close contact during basketball practice w a player who tested positive, sadly the team had to all quarantine and hold off on playing for two weeks, plus no going to school. Micah went sledding with some friends, who tested positive for COVID and had to also quarantine for two weeks. Caleb sneezed in class 🤧 and was immediately sent home bc of one symptom but also bc the other two brothers were home, they sent him home. Thankfully after getting Caleb tested, and having negative results, he can go back to school tomorrow. Jake was sent home bc Caleb sneezed 🤧 and could have COVID. Total craziness!! Since Caleb tested negative, he is set to go back to school tomorrow as well. Kyle and I are living in the same house as these four, so we tried our best to stay sane and e...

Christmas break😁+ HNY!!🎉🥳2021 begins!!!

 We have had such a wonderful Christmas break as a family. So thankful for so much quality time with my crew. Tomorrow the kids and Kyle jump back into our normal routine, and I’m feeling a little sad to see our break come to an end, but before it does, check out what we were up to!😁🎄❤️ ❄️ Loved time on the lake with kyle. We took a few walks out on the lake over break, so pretty and fun! I decided I need to lace up my Altra running shoes and go out on the lake in January for some easy miles while the lake is super frozen! ❄️ These boys are growing up so fast! The lake was so smooth and shiny without the snow yet. Great photo of our growing boys on skates. ❄️ Drew and Kyle had to head back for some basketball practices and they got pizza! We were so jealous, it looked amazing. Drew’s face cracks me up!😆 ❄️ I really enjoy being outside, getting fresh air, and playing with the boys! Lots of outside time over break. ❄️ Bonfire on the lake with the boys! They had fun ice skating aro...