January fun!❄️

Lots of outdoor fun these days! Thankful for fresh air together and with friends. Still playing lots of card games at night after supper too, which Kyle and I are really enjoying with the boys. 

Ski day at Spirit Mountain! Lucky duck Micah went skiing with his friends last weekend and had such a blast! It was really fun hearing him tell us stories about his day, he always makes us laugh. πŸ˜† Micah’s got a great core group of friends, we are so thankful!
Micah sent me a few pics while he was gone, love those evening ski nights. So pretty!
Jman and his hockey bros! Jake loves to ice skate with these guys. A few play hockey, and a few of them don’t. Either way they like to just trash it up on the ice together for hours. 3rd grade toughies! πŸ’ 
Ice fishing with Cedarbrook! The younger boys and I joined the ice fishing Cedarbrook event and had a great time! It was an incredible turnout and fun to see our Cedarbrook family. I really missed having my dad with me though, he’s been a pretty sick guy with COVID but thankful he is feeling much better. Glad to join in on the fun and I hope they do this again next year! Excellent event.

Sledding on MLK Day! I had so much fun sledding with the boys. They make me smile with all their shenanigans and silly stuff they try to pull on these cheapo sleds. It was a bit icy too which made for very speedy sleds!🀣 Almost some tree slammers but got lucky and came home safe. Whew!
These smiles make everyday being their mom SO GREAT!!😍

Glad the boys had the day off so we could go play and spend time together! ❄️



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