Brookings Marathon, SD πŸƒ‍♀️ 3:06:59

 I’ve been so excited to blog about this Amazing Day!! πŸ™Œ I’ll try to include as many details as my brain remembers so I can look back on it...for future race reference. 

Heading to Brookings, SD Kyle and I drove and picked up Rick and Tamara in Eden Prairie, it was right on our way and really nice to ride together. The drive was nothing to brag about (lots of farm land and windmills)  but we had fun conversations and found a Subway to stop at for the guys to grab some food. The drive for Chad and Linda was a bit longer than ours. Leah, Mandy, and Jennie weren’t too far back and we all met in Brookings late afternoon, grabbing our own for dinner and connecting later. So glad we all made it safe!

Race day! We all piled in Mandy’s mini van...notice the awesome Mom messages written on her vehicleπŸ˜„ (I sure wish the casino lady woulda been more excited about our marathon van!) You could feel the excitement and nerves in the air all the way to the race. Once we arrived we took this photo-

Parked close to the start and had plenty of time for a few “before pics” and bathroom stops.

Race details I started out a little fast, totally figured I would as I was so excited and I was curious to see how fast the other girl at the start line was gonna be so I took off at a 6:15-6:30 pace to feel things out. By mile 2 I decided this other gal had me today, just too speedy for where I was at. Never saw her again... I settled into a solid just under 7min pace, occasionally dipping into low 7s- HR though a little higher then I was hoping in the low 170s through mile 20. 
The course was fun going through parks, on side walks, through neighborhoods, slight inclines and mini hills to vary things up. I had a guy ahead of me for most of the race until I past him around mile 18-19, I thought he’d stick with me to the finish but at some point he dropped way back. Passed a few other guys before hitting mile 20 when things got very solo... I had one dark moment where my body was trying to tell me to walk up a hill around mile 23, however I have done this before listening to that voice and I remember thinking, not this time, no walking!  It’s like the moment you start walking your body completely shuts down, never opening up the opportunity to kick it in strong to the finish. It was the worst case scenario for me to start walking. It got super tough for that .5 mile and then it got easier again. Although I’d say it’s never easy to race solo the final 6.2 of a race, I managed a decent pace those final miles. They were not as speedy as I was hoping they’d be, but it’s what I had that day (with the heat, being solo, course layout) and HR seemed stuck in the mid 180s.
I’d say I paced the first 20 miles very well, the last 6.2 I faded a bit and will continue to work on a solid “kick in” finish. Being honest, I’m still afraid to really suffer, but I know that’s yet to come. 
*Elite athletes take years of practicing their art of racing- it’s going to take consistency and lots of hard work to keep at it to continue improving. 
I know there are still faster times in me as I noticed how well my body returned to running even after a day post marathon. The evening after the race I told Kyle, I’m so excited to go for a run in the morning! He thinks I’m nuts but he fully supports me and my crazy passion for racing. He agrees, faster times are coming. It’s just going to take lots of practice and continued dedication. Here are my splits from the race-
Overall Estatic! Cutting off a full 6min is a HUGE PR for me, and I am still smiling!! 😁

Finishing photos  it’s always funny seeing yourself in pics running, but I do like this one. I think I look strong and determinedπŸ˜‰
My biggest fan Kyle is so supportive and biked all over the course, seeing me 11 times on race day! I love having him with me at my races and grateful he supports me in doing what I love.
Running buddies These 3 people are so special to me and we have enjoyed many runs and great conversations together. Mandy and Leah have been my solid Tuesday AM running girls, and Rick continues to play a vital role in my life as a coach and incredible friend. I learn so much from him about how to race effectively and to make running/racing much more fun through our MAF training plan. 
Brookings Marathon, SD Wonderful memories made Together! We enjoyed a nice night laughing and hanging out post marathon before heading home Sunday morning. A weekend we will always remember!
2021 Racing is off to a great start! More to come...πŸƒ‍♀️ 3:06:59


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